Thanks to Ray Purtell and Greg Foran at the Glastonbury Parks and Recreation Department, Glastonbury Partners in Planting's proposal to hold a bittersweet eradication work day at Riverfront Park has been accepted! In addition to authorizing us to work on the site Parks and Rec will assist with the preparation of the site and with various tasks associated with the effort.
The Work Day will be held on September 28th, 2013 at Riverfront Park (200 Welles Street). Rain date is 10/5/13.
We need volunteers to help! The Work Day will be broken into two 3-hour shifts, from 9 to 12, and from 1 to 4. Volunteers may select the most convenient shift, and are asked to pre-register so we can form work teams.
For more details on the Work Day and for information on pre-registration please go to the BATTLING BITTERSWEET WORK DAY site.
Hope to see you there!